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13 November 2023

4 questions to Alexandre Semperé…

Find out more about Alexandre Semperé, chef at Les Ombres in the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, in Paris, through 4 questions

First & last name : Semperé Alexandre

Establishment name : Les Ombres au musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, Paris

What makes your establishment special?

It’s this unique identity that makes Les Ombres special. We have brought together the DNA of chef Alain Ducasse: Naturalness, the Mediterranean and Modernity in one place.

Like Teritoria, you are involved in the development of more responsible gastronomy. How does this work for you?

Seasonality and the choice of our suppliers are at the heart of our restaurant.

As soon as we work on a dish, we select the producer and the product. We work as much as possible with small producers and suppliers, whether for vegetables, seaweed, flowers, fish…

For example, we adapt to the harvest and adjust our dishes according to what the grower sends us. As for the products we receive in small quantities, we use them for our appetisers, which we change regularly.

And finally, to reduce waste and avoid wastage, we are careful to match the number of place settings reserved to the right quantity of raw materials, and vice versa.

As a chef, which season particularly inspires you? What are your favourite regional products to work with?

Spring is my favourite season and the one that suits me best. It’s a season that’s all about plants, with lots of sea shoots and flowers… and that suits my cooking.

Otherwise, when it comes to plants, spring and summer are the best seasons, because that’s when you find products like peas, courgettes, broad beans, green beans, prickly artichokes… that I like to work with.

And for sailors, the best seasons are autumn and winter, with mussels and oysters…

What message would you like to get across to Teritoria who come to visit you?

I invite them to come and discover Les Ombres restaurant, so that they can discover our cuisine combining the worlds of plants and the sea.

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