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Immersion: Piedmont, the last secret of Italy

By Nadia Hamam

It was in 2006, on the occasion of the Winter Olympics in Turin, that the destination revealed all its treasures. The most discerning travellers discovered its stone monuments. Those of nature, first of all: the reliefs of the Italian Alps, such as Monte Rosa and Monte Viso, where Italyʼs longest river, the Po, rises. And those of culture, spread across villages and towns, starting with the epicenter of the region: Turin.

Long perceived as an industrial city dominated by the mobile car manufacturer Fiat, the beating heart of Piedmont has nothing to envy the great Italian cities.

Elegant and eclectic, the country’s first historic capital is a priceless gem.

Explore its historic center on foot, dominated by the 167-metre-high Mole Antonelliana, which offers a unique panorama from its 85-metre-high balcony. Designed by Baroque architects, the long avenues thread luxury boutiques, authentic cafés and cultural hotspots under majestic arcades. Piazza Castello is home to the Palazzo Madama and the Palazzo Reale, once the principal residence of the Savoy royal family.

The Castello del Valentino, another residence of the kings of Savoy, and the Borgo Medievale, a historical reconstruction inspired by various castles in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, take pride of place in the immense Parco del Valentino. This lung of greenery along the River Po is the perfect rendezvous for lovers.

© Federico Ravassard

In the Piazza San Carlo, you can play the game of seven differences in front of the Baroque churches of San Carlo and Santa Cristina: true false twins! Soccer fans take note: Juventus tifosis come here to celebrate victory.

F1 fans? Take a detour to Turin’s famous national mobile car museum. The city, with its natural creative energy, boasts some 50 museums, including the imposing Musei Reali (Royal Museums), Fondazione Torino Musei (GAM – modern and contemporary art gallery), MAO (Oriental Art Museum) and Palazzo Madama.

Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Vercelli, Verbania… The refinement of Piedmont’s art towns knows no bounds. The small villages have nothing to envy them: there are twenty “ Most Beautiful Villages in Italy ” in Piedmont! Special mention goes to Roddi, with its most picturesque square, and Cherasco, with its star-shaped ramparts.

© Visit Piemonte -GettyImages.

Outside the walls, the valleys are home to Romanesque treasures such as abbeys, fortresses, cathedrals and presbyteries. In Cuneo, the sanctuary of Vicoforte houses the largest elliptical dome in the world. Following in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims, a network of paths converges on the sacred mountains of Piedmont (Belmonte, Crea, Domodossola, Ghiffa, Oropa, Orta and Varallo), which are listed as World Heritage Sites. Built between the 15th and 17th centuries, these architectural microcosms were created as places of prayer as an alternative to the Holy Land. Not to be missed, at the top of Mount Pirchiriano: the Sacra di San Michele abbey, immortalized in Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose.

Piedmont is a destination that can be enjoyed as much as it can be visited! Turin is the birthplace of vermouth and aperitif, gianduja and artisanal ice cream. From one street to the next, it’s great to sip a caffè, a bicerin (a blend of coffee and chocolate) or nibble an apericena (literally the aperitif-dinner drink), typically Turinese. At the Lavazza Museum, which tells the story of the country’s largest coffee manufacturer, you can taste freshly ground black beans in expert mode.

© Visit Piemonte

The region is also renowned for its IGP chocolate and hazelnuts, meats and rice varieties, artisan cheeses and, of course, dʼAlba white truffles. It’s no coincidence that the Slow Food movement was born here. A trip to Piedmont also includes UNESCO-listed wine-growing landscapes such as the Langhe and Roero. An opportunity to meet passionate producers, and taste excellent reds (Barolo, Barbaresco, Nebbiolo…) and the most distinguished whites (Erbaluce, Gavi, Arneis…).

© Visit Piemonte -GettyImages.

Many artists have tried to capture the wild beauty of Piedmont’s landscapes. A skilful blend of rice paddies and lakes, hills and peaks that outdoor sports enthusiasts will embrace wholeheartedly. With 2 national parks and 77 parks and nature reserves, there’s plenty to do! In autumn, you can explore the 20,000 km of roads with their strong military, spiritual and commercial history by bike or motorcycle.

© Visit Piemonte -GettyImages

Wonderful cycle paths, ideal for families, gently follow the course of the River Po. Hardened mountain bikers will prefer the banks of the Sesia. In winter, when the Alps are dressed in white, it’s time for great skiing! 1,350 km of slopes, 50 ski resorts and 300 ski lifts guarantee a thrill on the slopes, punctuated by gourmet delights: excellent cuisine in hotels and refuges alike. The pristine landscapes of the Ossola in particular are a veritable paradise for skiers, snowboarders and freeriders, but also for walkers, alone, with family or friends, in search of charm and mountain villages. Sledging, climbing, ice-climbing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing… Piedmont has it all!

Getting there

Turin can be reached without takin off:

By train, thanks to the Paris-Milan TGV line. The line also serves Chambéry to connect with other lines, or from Nice with a connection in Ventimiglia.

By bus, either on the Flixbus Paris-Rome or Barcelona-Venise routes, which provide connections to the cities of Lyon, Montpellier, Grenoble, Nîmes or Châlon-sur-Saône. Or thanks to the Blablabus Paris-Turin lines, which provide connections to Lyon or Chambéry and Paris-Milan.

For further information, visit VISITPIEMONTE.COM

Corte Realdi Torino – In the heart of Turin, this warm and elegant address offers seven magnificent rooms for living the palace life in the magnificent Palazzo Negri. Ideally located on Piazza Castello, it’s a short walk from the best of Turin. A must.

10121 TURIN
TEL : +39 392 237 2036

Relais Il Nazionale – For five generations, the Macario family has welcomed guests to their home between the sea and the mountains. Spacious rooms, breathtaking views, cuisine that sings the praises of Alpine terroir, an exceptional spa and solarium… A soothing moment of reconnection with nature.

TEL : +39 017 192 0181

Cascina Era Wellness Relais – Opposite the castle of La Rocchetta, this hotel-restaurant is the result of a contemporary renovation of former stables. The 23 suites, some with sauna and whirlpool bath, offer exclusive comfort and privacy.
TEL : +39 015 249 3222

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To complete your Teritoria experience, sign up for our loyalty program: free of charge, it allows you to reclaim part of your bill directly on your loyalty card and reuse it for your next charming getaway!

Découvrez l’Occitanie autrement : entre mer et montagnes préservées 

En partenariat avec le CTRL Occitanie  ; crédits photo de couverture : Dominique VIET - CRTL Occitanie

L’Occitanie, “Terre des Tolosates”, est réputée pour l’authenticité de ses paysages de mers et de montagnes. Son surnom trouve ses racines dans l’histoire riche de la région, marquée par l’influence de l’Empire romain et du Pays catalan. Au fil du temps, elle a su sauvegarder cet héritage culturel, tout comme elle a su préserver la beauté de ses paysages. Découvrons ensemble des endroits peu connus, plus préservés, qui représentent tout le charme authentique de cette région du sud de la France. L’exploration de sites moins connus favorise un voyage responsable en réduisant la pression sur les lieux touristiques surchargés et en soutenant les communautés locales. En privilégiant l’éloignement des circuits traditionnels, favorisons une immersion slow, en harmonie avec le rythme local, qui renforce notre engagement durable en limitant l’impact sur les ressources et en offrant des expériences plus authentiques. 

En Occitanie, les montagnes sont un paradis pour les amoureux de la nature et des randonnées. Parmi ces joyaux préservés, le Pic du Midi s’impose comme un incontournable. À 2877 mètres d’altitude, “le balcon des Pyrénées” offre une vue à couper le souffle sur le massif montagneux. 

En quête de défis ?  

tourisme responsable 
voyage durable 
mers et montagnes
CreativeNature_nl / iStock

L’ancien chemin de passage des facteurs, le Sentier des 4000 Marches vous conduira au point culminant du Gard, de Valleraugue jusqu’au sommet de l’Aigoual, dans les Cévennes. Ce parcours emblématique, serpentant à travers forêts et paysages escarpés, est l’idéal pour une randonnée intense et inoubliable. 

Grande randonnée, grande responsabilité 

tourisme responsable 
voyage durable 
mers et montagnes
Ludwig Deguffroy/ iStock

Les amateurs de longues traversées seront séduits par le GR10, un sentier de grande randonnée qui relie Hendaye à Banyuls-sur-Mer, en passant par des paysages aussi variés que sauvages. Ce chemin permet de découvrir la diversité des Pyrénées, de leurs vallées verdoyantes à leurs crêtes vertigineuses. 

Explorer la nature, en quête de soi  

La traversée des Pyrénées sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle est une aventure essentielle pour le bien-être de l’esprit et du corps. Au départ du col de Roncevaux, les sentiers sinueux vous plongent au cœur de paysages grandioses : crêtes escarpées, vallées profondes et panoramas à couper le souffle seront au rendez-vous.

tourisme responsable 
voyage durable 
mers et montagnes
Dominique VIET

Ce périple vous mènera à travers des forêts denses et des pâturages d’altitude, où chaque montée offre une récompense visuelle spectaculaire. L’air pur et la nature en font une étape indispensable pour ceux en quête d’un itinéraire avec plus de profondeur.  

Explorer l’Occitanie entre mers et montagnes

Enfin, le massif des Albères, situé entre mer et montagne, offre des sentiers moins connus mais tout aussi spectaculaires. Ce massif, qui borde la Méditerranée, est un lieu de rencontre entre la nature pyrénéenne et le climat méditerranéen. Les randonneurs y découvriront des panoramas uniques, entre crêtes boisées et vues plongeantes sur la mer. 

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mers et montagnes
Ludwig Deguffroy / iStock

À l’image du massif des Albères où les montagnes et les mers se rencontrent, les plages préservées d’Occitanie offrent des paysages à la fois sauvages et tranquilles, loin du tourisme de masse, au plus près d’un tourisme responsable.

Sur la plage des Impressionnistes  

En passant par la côte vermeille, en Pyrénées-Orientales, laissez-vous séduire par une halte dans la ville de Collioure, village préféré des Français en 2024, pour découvrir Collioure et ses criques.

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raphtong / iStock

Les couleurs catalanes de la ville, le bleu infini de l’eau, le charme sauvage du littoral vous feront alors comprendre pourquoi on appelle cette ville “La Cité des Peintres” : ayant inspiré les plus grands comme Matisse ou Picasso, elle vous transportera au paradis, en restant en France.   

Les plages aux couleurs de l’Occitanie 

L’Hérault vous invite à découvrir ses plages insolites protégées. Sur les rives sud-ouest du Lac du Salagou, un paysage unique attend les randonneurs les plus aventureux. Perchée sur une colline de roches, connues sous le nom de Ruffes, se dresse une formation naturelle fascinante : un majestueux bloc de roche rouge.

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Ludwig Deguffroy / iStock

Ce vestige d’une ancienne cheminée volcanique, appelé Neck de la Roque, dévoile un panorama exceptionnel sur le lac. De là, la vue sur les eaux scintillantes du Lac du Salagou et les reliefs environnants est tout simplement à couper le souffle. Cet endroit chargé d’histoire géologique est une invitation à la contemplation, idéal pour une pause nature après une bonne séance de marche, dans un cadre insolite et sauvegardé.  

La Conque, bijou de la Méditerranée  

Notre visite des plages surprenantes de l’Hérault continue par une halte à la Grande Conque. À deux pas d’Agde, loin de la frénésie du tourisme, vous pourrez vous évader auprès de cette plage au sable noir.

tourisme responsable 
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Ludwig Deguffroy / iStock

Unique et atypique, cette calanque sculptée par la mer offre une petite plage de sable noir où les eaux bleu turquoise contrastent magnifiquement avec les falaises volcaniques. La Grande Conque est un “bout d’histoire”, témoin d’éruptions terrestres et sous-marines datant d’avant l’arrivée des humains, elle a su conserver son charme authentique. 

Ces montagnes et plages d’Occitanie, préservées et authentiques, incarnent l’esprit d’un tourisme responsable que nous défendons chez Teritoria, où chaque pas est une invitation à la contemplation et au respect de la nature. Voyager, c’est découvrir des lieux exceptionnels, mais c’est aussi une responsabilité. Chaque site que vous visitez, chaque sentier que vous empruntez, est fragile. Protégeons ces espaces en prenant soin de respecter la nature, le patrimoine et les habitants locaux. Ne laissez aucune trace de votre passage, ramassez vos déchets et adoptez des comportements respectueux envers l’environnement.

Ensemble, faisons du voyage un acte responsable, pour que les générations futures puissent, elles aussi, profiter de la beauté de ces lieux uniques. 

Découvrez notre boutique cadeaux pour offrir des séjours inoubliables au cœur de nos régions. 

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What to do in October: must-see events in Teritoria

The Teritoria houses invite you to extend the pleasures of summer and discover unforgettable experiences throughout France. Not sure what to do in October? Here’s our selection ofnot-to-be-missed events.

Don’t miss the last dinner concert of the season, ‘La Notte, La Note’, at Domaine de La Monestarié on 12 October. This tribute to Claude Nougaro, with the duo NouS, will transport you into a musical universe full of emotion. Enjoy an Indian dinner in the magical setting of this charming Tuscan estate, and extend the experience with a night on site at a reduced rate.

On 22 and 25 October, come to the Clairefontaine racecourse for a unique gastronomic experience at La Terrasse By l’Âtre. Savour dishes inspired by local cuisine while enjoying a breathtaking view of the finish of the races. This event is the perfect opportunity for horse racing enthusiasts and food lovers to enjoy a convivial moment in elegant surroundings.

The International Garden Festival is taking place at the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire until 3 November, just 6 km from the Auberge de la Caillère. This festival, dedicated to landscape design under the theme ‘Garden Source of Life’, invites you to discover extraordinary gardens created by over 300 teams from all over the world. Make the most of this getaway by taking a gourmet break in one of the Auberge’s restaurants, either the Bistrot or the Gastronomique.

Until 7 November, let yourself be seduced by the off-season on the Île de Ré by taking advantage of thespecial Indian Summer offer at La Baronnie Hôtel & Spa****. For a minimum two-night stay, including breakfast, we’ll give you a free upgrade. It’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy the peaceful rhythm of the Indian summer, in an enchanting setting. Book now and extend your summer in a haven of peace and well-being.

To make the most of these events and benefit from exclusive advantages, join our Teritoria loyalty programme. By registering, you will be able to see part of your bill (from 3% to 10%) immediately re-credited to your account and access exclusive offers. Register now and add an exceptional touch to your Teritoria experience.

To make sure you don’t miss any of our latest news and receive our suggestions for your next trip, sign up for our newsletter. And to treat your loved ones to an exceptional stay or dinner, visit our gift shop, where you’ll find gift packs and cards valid in all Teritoria establishments.

Where to go for a Christmas getaway: magical destinations to celebrate the holiday season

Where to go for Christmas? Teritoria takes you to magical destinations for a memorable stay in France or Europe… Just a short train ride away!

There’s no need to travel far to enjoy the magic of Christmas! France is brimming with picturesque and grand destinations just a few hours away by train or carpool.

Strasbourg, the Christmas capital Gaspari

Strasbourg, dubbed as “The Christmas Capital“,is a dream destination to experience the enchantment of the holiday season. The picturesque streets of the old town are adorned with glowing decorations, and its Christmas market, one of the oldest in Europe, is a real enchantment. If you’re spending the holidays in Strasbourg, the cathedral market is a must-see, along with boat tours held on the Ill River to admire the festive lights!

Colmar, a Different Kind of Alsatian Christmas

For a more intimate Alsatian Christmas away from the crowds, head to Colmar! This charming town boasts no fewer than 6 distinct markets, each with its own special theme. These include the Gourmet Christmas Market at the Cathedral Square, where chefs offer tastings, the Craftsmen’s Christmas market and the Children’s Christmas market, dedicated to kids.

Paris, at the Heart of the Festivities

France’s capital dresses in its finest attire during the festive season. Streets and monuments light up, and department stores ompete to create the most breathtaking window displays. You’ll also discover a wide range of Christmas markets: from the most traditional one on the Champs Élysées to more unique options like the Japanese or the African markets and even an eco-friendly and solidarity market!

Lyon, the City of Lights

Lyon, often called the “City of Lights“, shines brightly during the Christmas season. Its famous Fête des Lumières (or Festival of Lights) in early December offers a breathtaking display, with residents placing traditional candles in their windows and many visual and interactive shows illuminating the city’s buildings and streets. While you’re there, explore the charming Christmas markets, savor a Lyon-style praline brioche, and wander through the picturesque streets of the old town.

Where to go for a Christmas holiday in Europe? Major European cities are known for their festive flair, where the magic of Christmas can be felt on every street corner. Take advantage of a few vacation days to travel by train and enjoy a truly memorable Christmas!

Naples, the Land of Exceptional Nativity Scenes

Naples offers an authentic and heart-warming experience during the holiday season. The narrow streets of its historic center are beautifully decorated with twinkling lights and festive ornaments, creating a captivating atmosphere. By visiting the numerous churches of the city you will be able to see the world-renowned neapolitan nativity scenes, showcasing the city’s rich artisanal traditionVisitors can also partake in the traditional “Festa della Befana” on January 6th, celebrating Epiphany and marking the joyful conclusion of the Christmas festivities.

Rome, the Eternal City Aglow

During Christmas, Rome transforms into a magical wonderland, with its streets adorned in festive lights, vibrant Christmas markets, and historic churches celebrating Midnight Mass. St. Peter’s Square dazzles with a majestic Christmas tree and a beautifully crafted nativity scene. Strolling through the festively lit city center, sampling Italian delicacies and taking part in religious celebrations make Rome an unforgettable holiday destination for winter.

Bruges, the Romantic City

Bruges, often called the “Venice of the North“, is famous for its romantic charm, colourful houses, canals and medieval architecture. During the Christmas season, the city becomes even more magical, with its pedestrian streets adorned with festive decorations, charming Christmas markets, and beautifully illuminated gardens! A horse-drawn carriage ride along the twinkling canals offers an unforgettable experience, perfect for couples and families alike.

Prague, a Medieval Charm

Prague is an enchanting city year-round, but at Christmas, it takes on a special atmosphere. Its medieval setting, featuring landmarks like the astronomical clock and Gothic church, provide a captivating backdrop for the festive season. The bustling Christmas market in the Old Town Square becomes the heart of the celebrations. Here, you can savor local specialties such as the sweet pastry, trdelník, and find unique handcrafted gifts!

Teritoria is a community of hoteliers and restaurateurs across France and Europe, committed to making every journey a sincere and sustainable experience, all while sharing the same sense of hospitality and generosity. Visit our website or guide to discover our finest destinations and prepare for an unforgettable and sustainable Christmas getaway!

Stay up to date and receive our latest articles and suggestions for your next trips by signing up to our newsletter.

To offer an unforgettable and sustainable experience to your loved ones this Christmas, visit our gift shop and find the perfect gift box! The person you’re giving it to will have the freedom to choose from our extensive selection of establishments to enjoy an authentic experience. Last-minute surprise? Opt for the digital version! Want to contribute to a loved one’s holiday gift? You can also create a fund directly from our website. And don’t forget to add the finishing touch by personalizing your gift card!

City Break : Reims, Effervescent and Charming

Written by Nadia Hamam; Cover Image: Cathedral (c) Carmen Moya Grand Reims Tourism Office

Gone is the once stiff, provincial town where theater troupes from across France tested their works before facing Parisian audiences. Now, with celebrated vineyards, lesser-known but exquisite dining, art, and open spaces, Reims has turned itself into a lively, welcoming place. Just an hour by train from Paris, it’s an ideal escape. In this article, explore Reims for your next city break.

Aerial view of Champagne, perfect for a city break in Reims
(c) Cyrille Beudot Grand Reims Tourism Office

Visitors from all over the world are drawn to Champagne, a region built on a deep layer of chalk that gives its renowned wines their distinctive finesse and identity. Champagne enthusiast flock to its prestigious houses, including the Vranken Pommery estate. Founded in 1836, it’s one of the most spectacular in the world, with monumental cellars, known as crayères, reaching 30 meters underground and stretching across 18 kilometers.

View of the entrance to the Foujita Chapel in Reims, during a city break
Chapelle Foujita (c) Cyrille Beudot Grand Reims Tourism Office

The region is also home to smaller, distinguished champagne house, such as Duval-Leroy in Vertus, crafting exceptional champagnes on the Côte des Blancs since 1859. As visitors explore, they encounter ‘living, evolving cultural landscapes,‘ which gained UNESCO World Heritage status in 2015. To fully embrace this unique tapestry, follow the 600-kilometer Champagne Route or take in the sights from a hot-air balloon. Each property presents new, creative ways to savor champagne: Pommery unveils an annual ‘Experience’ exhibition by a celebrated contemporary artist, while other options invite visitors to try their hand at grape picking, master the art of sabrage, or sipping champagne high above the forest in Verzy.

View of the entrance to Reims Cathedral during a city break
Cathedral (c) Cyrille Beudot Grand Reims Tourism Office

With a smooth tramway expansion and well-done renovations, Reims’ city center has become more elegant and comfortable to explore. Among its many historic sites, don’t miss Reims’ Notre-Dame Cathedral, adorned with 2,303 statues and witness to 33 coronations. Nearby is the Palais du Tau, the former archbishop’s residence, and the former Saint-Remi Abbey, now a museum.

Detail of the cathedral facade in Reims
Smiling Angel (c) Carmen Moya Grand Reims Tourism Office

While you take your city break in Reims go visit, near Place de la République, the Foujita Chapel (Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix). Its interior was designed and decorated by Franco-Japanese artist Tsuguharu Foujita between 1965 and 1966. Converted to Catholicism in Reims in 1959, this eclectic artist of the École de Paris merged Japanese aesthetics with Italian Renaissance influences in his unique style.

Art Deco detail in the city of Reims, city break
Art deco Reims (c) Pauline Colin Grand Reims Tourism Office

Whether architecture captivates you or not, Reims’ Art Deco charm is undeniable. From the Carnegie Library to the old Opéra cinema façade, Saint-Nicaise Church, and the Grand Theatre, Art Deco gems are scattered throughout the city. The IDVizit app offers two free walking tours dedicated to this theme. Many Champagne houses embraced this architectural style in the 1920s and 1930s, like Mumm’s shipping cellars and Vranken-Pommery’s Villa Demoiselle. Contemporary art also finds its place here, with monumental sculptures and street art pieces by talented creators like the inimitable Iemza, C215, and Céz Art.

Wine Cellars Taittinger © Carmen Moya – Grand Reims Tourism Office

With its numerous Michelin-starred and acclaimed restaurants, Champagne doesn’t take its cuisine lightly. Plates here are made to match the prestige of the local champagnes! Each restaurant offers a unique style and personality, from casual to classic. Depending on your mood, head to one of the many dning bars around Place d’Erlon or in the Boulingrin district, where food markets sit side by side with antique shops.

Interior of Reims Cathedral
Basilique Saint-Remi (c) Carmen Moya Grand Reims Tourism Office

Local specialties not to miss at the Boulingrin market include rose biscuits and croquignoles (ideal for dipping in champagne!), lentils, Reims’ ham, and the famous Clovis mustard. Adding to the Reims experience are the locals, affectionately known as “Cornichons.” To meet them, head to Quartier Libre, a hybrid space within a former industrial site that hosts exhibitions, events, and a business incubator. Or visit the Shed, a factory transformed by an inspired local into a vibrant space with a microbrewery, jazz club, photography exhibits, family areas, and a brunch spot. These creative hubs contrast beautifully with Reims’ rich 2,000-year history.

Get inspired with travel ideas from Teritoria, a community of independent hoteliers and restaurateurs dedicated to sustainable tourism since 1975. Sign up to our newsletter to receive our travel inspirations, and more city break ideas, like Reims, directly to your inbox.

Où aller en septembre 2024 : top des événements à découvrir

Vous vous demandez que faire en septembre 2024 ? Teritoria vous propose une sélection d’événements uniques à ne pas manquer. Entre visites historiques et festivals de jardins, découvrez les activités phares de ce mois de septembre.

Événements en France

En septembre, venez découvrir l’Île de Ré dans toute sa splendeur automnale en séjournant à La Baronnie Hôtel & Spa****. Profitez d’une offre spéciale basse saison, valable du 25 août au 7 novembre, pour vivre au rythme de l’été indien. En réservant dès maintenant un séjour de deux nuits minimum avec petits-déjeuners inclus, bénéficiez d’un surclassement offert. Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de vous détendre dans un cadre idyllique et élégant tout en explorant les charmes de l’Île de Ré.

Les 21 et 22 septembre 2024, participez à la 41e édition des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine aux Jardins du Château de La Ballue, entre Saint-Malo et Mont Saint-Michel. Profitez de la visite libre des jardins, classés monuments historiques et labellisés jardin remarquable. Des visites guidées des intérieurs du château du XVIIe siècle sont proposées à 10h30, 14h, 16h et 18h.

Jusqu’au 3 novembre, le 33e Festival International des Jardins de Chaumont-sur-Loire, en Loir-et-Cher, vous invite à découvrir des créations sous le thème “Jardin Source de Vie“. Plus de 300 équipes internationales ont conçu des jardins spectaculaires. Parmi les œuvres marquantes, découvrez “Spiralis” de Marie Delassus, “Générosité de la nature” per une équipe de Singapour et “Le Jardin des murmures”.

Une visite au festival est l’occasion idéale pour faire une escale gastronomique à l’Auberge de la Caillère, située à seulement 6 km.

En septembre, ne manquez pas l’exposition “Les fouilles archéologiques du Passage de l’Arsenal” au Royal Hainaut Spa & Resort Hotel à Valenciennes. Découvrez les vestiges du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance, révélés par les récentes fouilles archéologiques, à travers une présentation immersive de photos, vidéos et objets historiques. Cet événement offre une occasion unique de plonger dans l’histoire tout en profitant du cadre raffiné du Royal Hainaut. L’exposition est gratuite et ouverte tous les jours jusqu’au 23 septembre 2024, de 10h à minuit (et jusqu’à 1h les vendredis et samedis).

Le Château d’Étoges

Les 21 et 22 septembre, visitez les maisons Teritoria historiques et classées monuments historiques à l’occasion des Journées du Patrimoine. Une opportunité unique de découvrir des lieux chargés d’histoire et de charme. Chacune de ces maisons offre une plongée fascinante dans le passé, avec des architectures remarquables et des anecdotes captivantes sur leur héritage. Plongez dans l’histoire de la France avec des visites enrichissantes, mettant en lumière l’importance de la préservation du patrimoine culturel français. Vous aurez l’occasion d’explorer des intérieurs magnifiquement restaurés, des jardins somptueux et de découvrir des détails architecturaux uniques qui témoignent de l’art de vivre d’autrefois. C’est l’occasion idéale pour les passionnés d’histoire et d’architecture de vivre une expérience immersive et éducative.

Ne manquez pas ces journées pour enrichir votre connaissance du patrimoine et profiter du charme intemporel de nos maisons.

En septembre, ne manquez pas l’expérience unique offerte par La Terrasse By l’Âtre à l’Hippodrome de Clairefontaine, dans le Calvados en Normandie. Le vendredi 6 septembre, venez profiter d’une ambiance conviviale tout en dégustant des plats raffinés, avec une vue imprenable sur l’arrivée des courses. Idéalement situé pour offrir une perspective stratégique, La Terrasse By l’Âtre devient le lieu de rendez-vous incontournable pour les amateurs de courses et les gourmands. Ce cadre élégant et chaleureux promet une journée mémorable, mêlant gastronomie locale et l’excitation des courses hippiques. Découvrez cette occasion exceptionnelle de savourer des moments privilégiés dans un environnement exceptionnel.

Évènements en Italie

Le 17 et 18 septembre, rendez-vous à la Tenuta Borgo Santa Cecilia, nichée au cœur de l’ancien village médiéval de Gubbio en Ombrie, pour le deuxième déjeuner à quatre mains du cycle “Il Borgo Selvaggio“. Le chef Alessio Pierini aura l’honneur d’accueillir un autre chef de la communauté de Teritoria : ces deux talents culinaires uniront leurs forces pour vous offrir une expérience inoubliable et “sauvage”, axée sur la valorisation du gibier sauvage et de l’élevage, ainsi que des ressources locales.

« Il Borgo Selvaggio » est une immersion dans la culture gastronomique « sauvage » de ce coin de l’Ombrie, et sera un voyage « à 5 sens », grâce à l’installation des déjeuners directement dans les bois qui entourent la structure. En effet, vous serez accueillis autour d’une seule table conviviale et dégusterez les plats sauvages créés par les chefs de Teritoria, cuisinés directement sur place « uniquement à feu vif ».

Le 24 septembre 2024, le restaurant OASIS SAPORI ANTICHI, à Vallesaccarda, en Campanie, Italie, accueillera la troisième soirée du cycle “Irpinia, Femminile Plurale“. Cette série d’événements met à l’honneur sept femmes chefs de la communauté Teritoria, chacune apportant son histoire et sa créativité culinaire.

La soirée débutera à 20h30 et proposera un menu exclusif en collaboration avec les chefs résidents Michelina Fischetti et Serena Falco. Les convives auront l’opportunité de découvrir une cuisine raffinée et innovante, accompagnée de vins sélectionnés par des productrices locales, célébrant ainsi la richesse et la diversité de la culture gastronomique féminine.

Pour plus d’informations et pour réserver votre place, contactez directement le restaurant Oasis Sapori Antichi.

Septembre 2024 s’annonce riche en découvertes avec Teritoria. Ne manquez pas ces événements pour vivre des expériences inoubliables. Pour rester informé des dernières actualités et suggestions de voyage, inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter. Visitez notre boutique cadeaux pour offrir des coffrets et cartes cadeaux valables dans tous les hôtels et restaurants Teritoria.

Hotels near train stations in Europe: our must-visit addresses

For those who appreciate the convenience of stepping off the train and finding themselves in an elegant hotel within minutes, here is a selection of some of the best hotel near a train station in Europe. From Montpellier to Nardò, via Paris, these hotels offer a pleasant stay, whether you’re on a business trip or a vacation.

Hôtel La Plage – Sud de France Train Station, Montpellier

Hôtel La Plage, proche gare Montpellier

A few steps from the Sud de France train station in Montpellier, HÔTEL LA PLAGE welcomes you to a modern and relaxing environment. Designed for those who want to enjoy the best of southeastern France without sacrificing relaxation, the hotel offers bright, elegant rooms with stunning sea views. Enjoy their restaurant, spa, and pool to complete your stay. Located in La Grande Motte, it is the perfect spot for a romantic getaway.

Grand Hôtel du Parc – Aix-les-Bains Train Station

Grand Hôtel du Parc, proche gare Aix-les-Bains

Just three minutes on foot from Aix-les-Bains train station, the GRAND HÔTEL DU PARC embodies the timeless elegance of this spa town. The Belle Époque architecture adds a touch of charm to your stay. The rooms are spacious and well-appointed for maximum comfort. You can enjoy the pool, spa, and wellness centre to rejuvenate. Ideal for nature and leisure lovers, the hotel also offers various activities and excursions in the surrounding area. For those who prefer independent exploration, magnificent parks and the famous Aix-les-Bains thermal baths are nearby.

Victoria Palace – Montparnasse Train Station, Paris

Victoria Palace, hôtel proche gare Paris Montparnasse

For those who want to discover Paris, the VICTORIA PALACE hotel is just minutes from Montparnasse train station. This hotel offers a refined atmosphere that blends historic elegance with modern comfort. With its spacious and charming rooms, impeccable service, and quick access to Paris’s main sites, it is an ideal choice for travellers eager to explore. The hotel also features a wellness centre, a spa for relaxation, and meeting rooms for business travellers.

Hôtel Beaucour – Strasbourg Train Station

Hôtel Beaucour, proche gare Strasbourg

Located near Strasbourg’s train station, HÔTEL BEAUCOUR is an ideal choice for those looking to explore the city effortlessly. This boutique hotel, with its typical Alsatian charm, features cosy rooms thoughtfully decorated to reflect the region’s warm ambiance. The hotel offers a varied breakfast with local products and has a spa to unwind after a day of sightseeing. Thanks to its strategic location, you can easily reach the historic district of Petite France or Strasbourg’s majestic cathedral.

Le Cep & SPA Marie de Bourgogne – Beaune Train Station

Hôtel Cep & Spa Marie de Bourgogne,  proche gare Beaune

A short walk from Beaune’s train station, LE CEP & SPA MARIE DE BOURGOGNE represents the excellence of Burgundian hospitality. This boutique hotel offers elegant and welcoming rooms, as well as an exclusive spa to relax after a day of exploration. The hotel’s gourmet restaurant highlights regional flavours with refined dishes paired with a selection of local wines. Its central location makes it easy to access the famous vineyards of Burgundy and the region’s cultural treasures. An essential destination for wine and wellness enthusiasts.

Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel – Naples Train Station

Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel, proche gare Naples

If you are looking for a place to stay in Naples, SANTA CHIARA BOUTIQUE HOTEL is a hidden gem in a 17th-century building near the train station. Nestled in the city’s historic heart, this boutique hotel offers elegant rooms with contemporary touches. The hotel provides a delicious buffet breakfast with local specialties and features a cosy bar for relaxing. You can explore Naples’ lively streets and return to a peaceful and sophisticated atmosphere. Its proximity to the central station makes it a strategic choice for travel to other Italian destinations.

Palazzo Tafuri – Nardò Train Station

Palazzo Tafuri, hôtel proche gare Nardo

In southern Italy, near Nardò’s train station, PALAZZO TAFURI offers a captivating blend of history and modern charm. This 19th-century palace, transformed into a boutique hotel, provides a unique experience, combining traditional architecture with contemporary design. Its refined rooms, rooftop pool, and gourmet restaurant make it a tranquil haven, perfect for discovering the picturesque town of Nardò.

Corte Realdi – Turin Train Station

Corte Realdi Torino, proche gare Turin

For an authentic experience in northern Italy, CORTE REALDI TORINO, located near Turin’s train station, offers a unique historical setting combined with modern amenities. This boutique hotel, housed in a historic palace, features bright and spacious rooms with sophisticated decor. Thanks to its central location, Corte Realdi Torino provides easy access to the city’s main attractions. A true oasis of peace for a family stay, a romantic weekend, or a business trip.

Grand Hotel et de Milan – Milan Train Station

Grand Hotel ET de Milan, proche gare Milan

The GRAND HOTEL ET DE MILAN, located a few steps from Milano Centrale’s train station, symbolizes Milanese elegance and refinement. This historic hotel has hosted distinguished guests over the centuries and maintains its reputation for excellence. The richly decorated rooms and suites will transport you to an era of timeless luxury while offering modern comfort. It is the perfect starting point for exploring Milan and its treasures, with easy access to major attractions and transport links.

With Teritoria, discover the comfort of hotels near train stations for an unforgettable European journey. Immerse yourself in the magic of diverse destinations, where authentic hospitality meets responsible travel.

Find a selection of hotels that combine elegance, quality service, and commitment to sustainable tourism. These locations will allow you to explore the best of local heritage and traditions, while staying in charming hotels in strategic locations.

Discover all our articles through our newsletter and explore our online shop to offer your loved ones a unique and responsible experience, close to the stations. Together, let’s share a passion for travel and responsible tourism.

A chef with a passion: (re)discover lentils with François Gagnaire…

By Laurence Gounel 

« This product, which is part of the identity of my region, is still often associated with memories of canteens or the army… yet it is a simple product which, when well prepared, brings great finesse and which, in my opinion, derives its nobility from its versatility. »

François Gagnaire

Lentils are just as natural on family tables as they are on Michelin-starred ones. Easy to use, it can be used all year round and its neutrality offers a wide range of possibilities.

Chef François Gagnaire’s secret to twisting its roundness? Star anise, which adds a lovely freshness. But the chef’s audacity comes in three ‘ways’: as grains, when it is served at Anicia ‘s as lentil caviar (in a caviar tin) with a carp crumble worked with mascarpone, fresh ginger, lime and dill; as flour, to make ’homemade’ blinis, galettes and breads; as a purée, when it is blended until it forms the famous lentil pulp that makes a bavaroise (on which a crumble is placed that resembles the volcanic earth that gives it its name), a velouté or to create desserts such as a crème brûlée, a lentil and blueberry tart or a frangipane cake to celebrate the kings.

The green Puy lentil, a unique and well-deserved appellation in the world, even featured in the France 5 report (french tv show) “Toi l’Auvergnat, quand tu mangeras !

Through chef François Gagnaire’sinnovative approach to the green Puy lentil, Teritoria underlines its commitment to promoting a gastronomy that celebrates local produce while pushing back the boundaries of culinary creativity. This story illustrates how Teritoria supports a vision of cuisine that is both rooted in the terroir and open to the world, proving that the simplest ingredients can be transformed into exceptional gastronomic experiences.

With Teritoria, discover chefs who transform the everyday into the extraordinary, paying homage to our rich culinary heritage while inviting you to explore new flavours and textures.

Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with our latest news, or offer the gift of an unforgettable lentil experience with our gifts.

Winter Fruits and Vegetables: Your Seasonal Calendar

Seasonal eating plays many roles. By choosing to eat foods according to their natural harvesting period, we adopt a behavior that limits the distances that products travel, reduces the energy required for their production and supports sustainable, local farming practices. This approach not only helps lower our carbon footprint but also preserves local biodiversity, contributing to the protection of our environment. While seasonal cooking undoubtedly delights our taste buds, whether prepared at home or by renowned chefs, it primarily reflects a commitment to the environment.

In light of this, Teritoria has put together a winter fruits and vegetables calendar to help you strike the perfect balance between culinary pleasure and preserving our planet.

Seasonal Calendar: January’s Fruits and Vegetables

While summer offers a palette of summery colors and flavors, winter emerges with its own set of culinary delights. The hearty dishes of the season are ideal for gathering with friends or family, providing genuine comfort at the table. To awaken your taste buds, let’s explore the January calendar, which will help you savor this time of year to the fullest.

January Vegetables

January may not offer the same abundance of local vegetables as previous months, but it still has plenty to soothe the soul during what’s often considered the most somber time of the year. Gratins, stews, soupswinter offers numerous comforting recipes to keep you warm!

  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Squash
  • Belgian Endive
  • Spinach
  • Turnip
  • Parsnip
  • Leek
  • Potato

January Fruits

Winter is the perfect time to ward off the cold and give your body a boost of all the vitamins naturally found in fruit and vegetables. This season’s local fruit don’t disappoint! They will help you stay energized and strengthen your immune system against winter flu and viruses.

  • Lemon
  • Clementine
  • Kiwi
  • Mandarin
  • Orange
  • Shaddock Pomelo
  • Pear
  • Apple

Seasonal Calendar: February’s Fruits and Vegetables

A warm welcome to February, the shortest month of the year! Though brief, the selection of fruits and vegetables is not much different from January. While these months often inspire indulgent dishes such as raclette, tartiflette or fondue, we shouldn’t forget the vitamins naturally present in fruits and vegetables that help us stay strong during this time. Comfort food, yes, but with a balance!

February Vegetables

As in January, the calendar might not be too rich, but it still offers the chance to brighten up your plate with comforting local vegetables that bring warmth and all the essential nutrients you need.

  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Endive 
  • Frisée lettuce 
  • Corn salad
  • Turnip
  • Leek
  • Potato

February Fruits

February doesn’t offer more local fruits than January. However, the winter holiday season, just around the corner, brings plenty of vitamins to fuel you as you tackle the ski slopes like a pro!

  • Lemon
  • Clementine
  • Kiwi
  • Mandarin
  • Orange
  • Shaddock Pomelo
  • Pear
  • Apple

Seasonal Calendar: March’s Fruits and Vegetables

March often signals the return of warmer days, and the local fruit and vegetable calendar is no exception. As the sun starts to peek out on terraces, it also begins to shine on our plates. A few spring vegetables will surely put the finishing touches onto your seasonal cuisine!

March Vegetables

March continues to delight our palates with comforting dishes, while also introducing slightly more spring-like flavors. Whether soups, gratins, stews or salads, the return of warmer weather offers plenty of delicious options!

  • Asparagus
  • Beetroot
  • Chard
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Endive
  • Spinach
  • Frisée lettuce
  • Turnip
  • Leek
  • Potato

March Fruits

The local fruits of March, like those of the other winter months, are still brimming with vitamins. Enough to keep you going until the clocks change for daylight savings at the end of the month!

  • Lemon
  • Kiwi
  • Mandarin
  • Orange
  • Shaddock Pomelo
  • Pear
  • Apple

Now, you have the opportunity to combine gourmet pleasure with ecological responsibility all winter long. A generous calendar of seasonal products awaits you, offering countless possibilities for creating comforting, vitamin-rich recipes throughout this period. If you’re looking to delight your loved ones, treat them to a unique experience in one of the charming establishments of Teritoria, where seasonal cuisine combines taste with sustainability. Choose from our Getaway & Fine Dining gift boxes to enjoy a gourmet stay in a one-of-a-kind setting.

And for any other kind of stay—whether it’s a romantic getaway, a Michelin-starred table, or a wellness break—visit our online shop to treat your loved ones!

And if you don’t want to miss any of our travel & gastronomy articles, sign up here.

La montagne selon Omar

L’hôtelier franco-libanais Omar Abodib, déjà propriétaire du Donjon-Domaine Saint Clair à Étretat, a inauguré une adresse skis aux pieds à Saint-Sorlin-d’Arves, au cœur du domaine skiable des Sybelles, en Savoie.

Par Laurence Gounel

L’histoire est d’abord celle d’un rêve de petite fille. Celui de l’épouse d’Omar, qui rêve depuis longtemps d’un chalet à la montagne. Son vœu est exaucé pendant la crise sanitaire et une opportunité en dévoilant une autre, un hôtel familial est à vendre dans ce même village préservé de la vallée de la Maurienne. Un établissement construit en 1969 et tenu par la seconde génération qui l’exploite « dans son jus ». Omar saisit cette chance de poursuivre une histoire d’hôteliers indépen- dants – critère qui lui est cher – dans un village aux traditions fortes et au terroir bien vivant. Propriétaire des lieux deux mois avant le début de la saison, c’est d’abord le salon qui est entièrement revu et corrigé pour l’ouverture en décembre 2021. « Une priorité car ici, le fil conducteur demeure la convi- vialité. L’idée n’est pas de rester dans sa chambre mais bien de profiter du feu de cheminée et des apéritifs qui s’éternisent. C’est toute l’atmosphère d’une maison de famille que je veux cultiver à la montagne. » Un fil rouge qui prend tout son sens avec la vision de l’hospitalité chic et conviviale qu’affiche déjà Omar au Donjon à Étretat.

D’ailleurs, l’esprit « un pied à la mer, un pied à la montagne » a séduit les plus fidèles qui sont désor- mais clients des deux, car c’est un état d’esprit qu’ils viennent chercher dans ce 3 étoiles savoyard au confort décontracté… Si les 32 chambres avec balcons et vue – dont 4 suites et 2 duplex pour cette nouvelle saison – ont gagné en lumière, literie haut de gamme et une salle de bains contemporaine, l’hôtel cultive cette image vintage du ski des années 1970, décomplexée et joyeuse jusque sur les pistes. « Cette atmosphère chaleureuse qui me semble naturelle en montagne me permet d’être encore plus dans l’échange et la spontanéité avec mes clients. Et c’est pour cela que je prends autant de plaisir à faire ce métier. La vue exceptionnelle, l’exigence du confort et le souci du détail n’empêchent pas de cultiver un relationnel fort. » Même sens du joyeux tous les jeudis soir avec une soirée libanaise et des mezzés à partager, tandis que le restaurant valorise les autres soirs une carte courte et travaillée. Jacuzzi, hammam et sauna privatifs, spa avec deux cabines… Rien ne manque à ce chalet au charme vintage qui se veut être un vrai rendez-vous.